Figure Stones in Scotland

Near summit of Ben Lawers (Central Highlands) Age Unknown - Found by the Author

Bird-Human Carving - Near Summit of Ben Lawers, Scotland

Classic two-faced bird figure with quasi-human face (note the purple crystal forming the iris of the eye), and the head of another creature forming the opposite (right) end.

Bird Microcarving - Near Summit of Ben Lawers, Scotland

Above:  A microcarving on the rock in the top photo - general bird form with a mouth (left) distinctly in the form of a bird profile, from which a small figure emerges

Bird-Human Carving - Near Summit of Ben Lawers, Scotland

Another carved rock from the same location - characteristic faces at both ends.
These were collected by the author in 1992, only because they were pretty souvenirs for his daughter.  Eleven years later, upon close inspection they were recognized as artifacts.

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