Two-Face (Janiform) Figures

Day's Knob Site (33GU218)

These are Janus-like figures with a face at each end, very common, typically with one quasi-human face and another more bird-like.  Note that the bird face is usually rounded, with more of a mouth than a beak, likely both for conven- ience in carving and to further convey the "morphing" of bird and human. 
Limestone Bird-Human Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
In this explicitly detailed representation (length 4 cm - 1.6"), the humanlike face gazes straight on with, like many such "figure stones", one eye open and the other closed.   Lower left on this figure, in profile, is the zoomorphic component with the common big grin (seeming to say "I know I'm here and now you know I'm here, but no one else ever will").

In the figures shown below, both faces appear in profile, as is usually the case.


Bifrontal (Janiform) Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Bifrontal Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Bifrontal Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Bifrontal Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Bifrontal Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Bifrontal Figure - Day's Knob Archaeological Site
For comparison, below, this stone from Italy shows the same two-faced "janiform" iconography.  This is very common and long recognized in European Paleolithic "portable rock art".

Below:  A worked sandstone in the same theme from Australia, with the bird end extending downward to the right.

Australian Sandstone Artifact    Australian Sandstone Artifact

Below:  A beautiful quartz bird with a grinning humanlike face at the right (posterior) end.  Provided by Mac Poole in North Carolina.
Quartz Bird Figure Stone - Mac Poole Find, North Carolina

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