Human Faces

Human Figure in Limestone - Day's Knob Archaeological Site




                            Quartz Sandstone                               Hematite

Human Figures in Sandstone - Day's Knob Archaeological Site

Two figures, apparently male and female, on one limestone.

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Human Face Petroglyph - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Human Face Image - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site
The human and quasi-human images above were carved into the abraded area of this typically bird-form sandstone.  The flat surface shown above forms the base for a two-faced zoo-anthropo- morphic figure (below) when the object is rotated toward the viewer.  Note the common theme of two faces sharing one eye.
Bifrontal Zooanthropomorphic Figure - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site

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Below:  Another human face, also eye-to-eye with a hybrid creature.  This was carved into a limestone concretion.

Human Face Image - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site
Human Face Image - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site

Below:  A human face profile in conglomerate rock - non-local, apparently imported to the site.

Human Face Image - Artifact from Day's Knob Archaeological Site

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