Ursel Benekendorff Finds

Groß Pampau

Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany, 1980s & 1990s

In glacial till approx. 7 to 18 m (23'-60') beneath the current terrain surface.

Artifacts mostly of flint apparently from Sweden, Denmark, and Baltic Sea area.

(Click HERE for Background Information.) 


Photography by Alan Day in Geesthacht, Germany and Cambridge, Ohio.

All this is only a very small sampling.



Palaeolithic Chopper Tool, Flint, Groß Pampau

Multiple views of a  Mode-1-style chopper, enhanced on its proximal surface to provide an ergonomic hand grip.  Clearly man-made - note the distinct localized impact scars and percussion ripples.



Another  Mode-1-style Chopper

Palaeolithic Chopper Tool, Flint, Groß Pampau




Acheulean-style Hand Axe

Acheulean Handaxe, Groß Pampau

Acheulean Handaxe, Groß Pampau




Palaeolithic Handaxe, Groß Pampau

Note distinct impact scar and ripples at lower/right end of long flake removal.




Miniature Palaeolithic Handaxe, Groß Pampau




Hand Axe, Levallois Technology

Levallois Handaxe, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Levallois Quartzite Handaxe, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Palaeolithic Handaxe, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Handaxe Preform?

with Apparent Bas Relief Figure

(Figure in third & fourth photos below.)

Palaeolithic Handaxe, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Above and below, note distinct impact scar, bulb of percussion, and impact ripples at upper/left end of long flake removal.

Impact Scar/Ripples on Handaxe Preform, Groß Pampau

Bas Relief Figure on Handaxe Preform, Groß Pampau

Above and below,  a zoomorphic figure in relief, apparently by laminar reduction.  (Bird?   Bear?)

Note the clearly intentional step fracture forming the creature's back, and also the four nearly parallel short carved striations on the back of the neck.

Zoomorphic Figure on Hand Axe Preform - Ursel Benekendorff Find, Groß Pampau


Anthropomorphic Hand Axe Preform?

Approx. same dimensions and overall morphology as others shown above.

Anthropomorphic Hand Axe Preform - Ursel Benekendorff Find, Groß Pampau







Flint Blade Tools, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Backed and/or prismatic blades - flint.


Backed and/or prismatic blades - granite, quartzite, basalt, gneiss, felsite.




Palaeolithic Flint Hand Tool, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Palaeolithic Flint Hand Tool, Groß Pampau, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Flint Chopper apparently for Red Ochre Processing

Palaeolithic Flint Scraper/Chopper, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Palaeolithic Flint Scraper/Chopper, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Above and below:  Red Ochre Residue on Working Edge




Gouge Tool (Flint) in Bird Form

with Red Pigment Residue

Groß Pampau Artifact - Bird-form Gouge with Red Pigment Residue

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge with Red Pigment Residue

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge with Red Pigment Residue

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge with Red Pigment Residue

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge, Retouched Blade

Above, retouch on two of the three edges of a prismatic blade.

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge, Flaking Impact Scar and Ripples

Above and below, distinct localized impact scars and percussion ripples.

Groß Pampau Artifact - Flint Gouge, Flaking Impact Scars

Groß Pampau Artifact - Red Pigment Residue on Flint Gouge

Pigmented area approx. 2 mm long.




The "Venus of Pampau"

Click HERE for a lab report on this piece.

Venus of Pampau - Flint Artifact from Northern Germany

Venus of Pampau - Flint Artifact from Northern Germany

Venus of Pampau - Left Breast, Flaking Impact Scar

Above, figure's left breast. 

Note distinct impact scar, bulb of percussion, and impact ripples.

Venus of Pampau - Parallel Flaking Scars, Cortex Trimming

Above, note multiple parallel flake removals and trimming of cortex.

Above, yellow ochre (powdered limonite) on top/back of head - representing hair?

Venus of Pampau - Face


Red and blue pigment under clear lacquer-like material on figure's left eye.

Red  = iron oxide?  Blue (unusual) = manganese oxide?  

More XRF lab work ahead...

Below, the figure's right eye (viewer's left), a likely naturally formed cavity in which a tiny rock (crystal?) was wedged.




An apparent Mammoth Figure in flint


Below, base of figure clearly showing human workmanship:

Below, close-up of apparent eye in top photo:




"Auerhahn" in Flint

Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Below, base of figure.




Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Parallel Flaking, Impact Ripples




Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Flint Bird Figure, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany; Parallel Flake Removals

Note multiple long parallel flake removals.




Flint Face-like "Mask"

Flint "Mask", Groß Pampau Artifact, Northern Germany

Flaking Scars & Impact Ripples, Flint "Mask", Groß Pampau

Note multiple distinct localized impact scars with percussion ripples.






Apparent Lamp of Fired Limonite (Yellow Ochre)

Fired Limonite Bowl or Lamp, Artifact From Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Fired Limonite Bowl or Lamp, Artifact From Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Flint Bowl or Lamp

Flint Bowl, Artifact From Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Zoomorphic Flint Figure with Red Ochre

Paste and Powder, and Stone Teeth

apparently wedged into Mouth

Flint Figure with Inserted Pebbles, Red Ochre Powder and Paste Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Flint Figure with Red Ochre Powder, Groß Pampau Artifact

Below:  Electron microscopy image showing probable artificial modification of flint at crevice containing wedged pebbles. 

Flint Figure with Red Ochre Powder, Groß Pampau Artifact

Flint Figure with Red Ochre Paste, Groß Pampau Artifact

Spectrum Chart, Flint Artifact with Red Ochre Powder and Paste

Above:  Spectrum charts of compositional analysis with XRF/EDS at the University of Akron's Geosciences Department.

(Equipment: Quanta 200 scanning electron microscope with EDS attachment)



Flint "Stargazer/Sterngucker" Figure

(Click HERE for more of these.)

Flint "Stargazer" Figure, Groß Pampau Artifact, Northern Germany

Below, the reverse side of the figure.  Note the multiple parallel flake removals.







Fossil(?) inclusion framed by flaking

Flint Artifact Trimmed to Frame Fossil(?) Inclusion, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany



Fossil(?) inclusion in flint pick

Palaeolithic Flint Pick, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany



Framed Echinoid (Sea Urchin) Fossil

Flint Artifact Trimmed to Frame Echinoid Fossil Inclusion, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany



Flint Artifact Flaked to Frame Fossil(?) Inclusion, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Flint Artifact Flaked to Frame Fossil(?) Inclusion, Groß Pampau




Flint Figure with Echinoid Fossil Inclusion


Flint Figure with Echinoid Fossil Inclusion, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Flint Artifact with Inserted Pebble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Flint Artifact with Inserted Pebble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany




Carved and Incised Quartzite Cobble

Engraving on Quartzite Cobble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Crosshatch Engraving on Quartzite Cobble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Crosshatch Engraving on Two Sides of Quartzite Cobble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany

Crosshatch Engraving on Two Sides of Quartzite Cobble, Groß Pampau, Northern Germany


Copyright Alan Day 2015-2025

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