David Stauffenberg Finds

Person County, North Carolina


__________________ Lithic __________________



              Height 2.5 cm (1")                                     Length 4.5 cm (1.75") 

Left:  Quasi-anthropomorphic figure, quartz.  Right:  Bird figure, granite. 


Classic Bird-Venus figure with emerging egg, granite, length 7.6 cm (3").


__________________ Glass __________________


Bird (or seal?), length 3.8 cm (1.5").



Birds.  Left, length 5 cm (2").  Right,  length 1.9 cm (0.75").



Point, length 5 cm (2"), and bird (or turtle?), length 1.3 cm (0.5").



More glass birds, lengths 10 cm (4") and 2.2 cm (0.88"). 


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