Charlie Hatchett Finds

Central Texas, near the Wilson-Leonard Site

After viewing this website in 2005, Charlie Hatchett, a collector near Austin, has found some interesting artifacts along a stream in an area of Texas that has long been the subject of professional investigation.  His finds, in rather uncertain stratigraphic context, include lithic artifacts diagnostic of several time periods, and some quite similar to those at 33GU218 in Ohio.

Classic two-faced image; quasi-anthropomorphic face at right end, bird head left. 


Above:  Note the distinct bird head at the left end of this implement, and the more abstract one at the right.  Below:  This same tool shown beneath one of similar form and size from Day's Knob.


Apparently a bird-form pendant, length 5 cm (2").  

Another pendant, 11.5 cm (4.5").


A feature carved into limestone bedrock, with an appearance and metallic residue suggesting the bottom of a smelting furnace.  Mr. Hatchett is of the opinion that this is of Pleistocene age, and that forced air was applied through the hole in the floor via a so-far unverified shaft drilled through the bedrock.  Assuming this is in fact an iron smelting furnace, this author would propose that ore and charcoal were fired in a structure built above the remaining recessed feature, with one or more tuyeres entering at or near ground level.


Apparently manmade iron-bearing bird figures (their bird form was first identified by this author), very interesting in the context of the furnace-like structure.  

Similar iron artifact material has long been observed in Ohio.  Radiocarbon dating of this, and contextual artifact evidence, seem to indicate that it is of Early to Middle Woodland age.


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